PR Card Canada

PR Card Canada

The PR card which is also called the permanent resident card, and it is a means of identification or can be used as a travel document for Canadian immigrants who have become permanent residents of Canada. It is a means by which permanent resident can prove their status, and it is also in line with the permanent resident travel document, a means by which permanent residents can come back to Canada through a common or commercial carrier.

Who can apply for the permanent resident card?

Those who are staying in the country permanently can apply. If you are staying just for a limited period, then you should not apply because it would not be granted to you. As soon as you land, it is important you supply a residential address. If it cannot be supplied at the time of landing, it should be provided within 180 days. If it is not supplied within the required period, the application would be closed, and then you would have to open a new application which would cost you additional charges. It is better you fill in the application within the allocated time because the first application is free a d without charges.

For those who already have the card and it has expired or was stolen or got lost, they are to apply for a new PR card. This application must show that the person has been residing in the country for about 730 days before the renewal application can be granted.

The validity of the card

The PR card is valid for 5 years but for those whose PR status is still under assessment; it can be valid for just a year. After the PR card expires, permanent residents are expected to have fulfilled all obligations required of them, such as meeting the required minimum of being in the country. As long as your card is valid, you are still viewed as a permanent resident, and you still have that status wherever you go in the country. If the Canada border agency service concludes that the person might not meet up with the residency requirements, the person is then required to go for a hearing to determine his PR status. When your PR card expires, it doesn’t mean you have lost your permanent resident status or that you are no longer viewed as a permanent resident of the country anymore, it just means that you need to replace your card to a new one became the expired card is no longer recognized.

It is not possible for anyone outside Canada to apply for the PR card rather permanent residents who are in Canada and want to travel out of the country can apply for single use of the document. As long as your PR status has not been revoked, then you would always be granted entry to Canada. Therefore, legally speaking, as long as you have been granted the PR status, you don’t need your card to travel in and out of the country. For security purposes though, make sure you take it along with you

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